California Children’s Services (CCS) Whole Child Model Program
What is California Children’s Services (CCS)?
The CCS program provides services to children under 21 years old with eligible medical conditions. CCS services include:
- Diagnostic and treatment services.
- Medical case management.
- Physical and occupational therapy services.
- Medical therapy services at public schools.
What is the CCS Whole Child Model program?
Under the Whole Child Model program, CCS children get care from their Medi-Cal managed care health plan (health plan) instead of their county CCS program. This helps children get all of their care through one system. This model helps prevent confusion about where children get care. It can lead to better care management and health results.
As part of CCS WCM, you will get services in the language you speak. You will also get services in places that meet your child’s needs.
When CCS WCM children turn 21, they do not have to change where they get their services.