
How to access Pacific Interpreter Services

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In June 2022, the Alliance announced that we had partnered with a new indigenous interpreter vendor, Centro Binacional para el Desarrollo Indígena Oaxaqueño (CBDIO) to help meet the linguistic needs of our indigenous speaking community.

CBDIO provides quality and qualified in-person (face-to-face) and telephonic indigenous interpreting services

Additionally, we would like to remind providers that you may also access telephonic indigenous interpreting services through our foreign language interpreter vendor, Pacific Interpreters, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Pacific Interpreters offers over 200 foreign languages, including indigenous languages.

How to Access Pacific Interpreter Services:

Providers may access a telephonic indigenous interpreter by calling Pacific Interpreters directly. Please see access details below.

  1. Dial the toll-free number: 855-469-5222.
  2. Provide the Alliance access code: 844038.
  3. At the prompt select desire language:
    1-For Spanish.
    6-For all other languages or Customer Service Associate.
  1. Provide the following:
    • Language needed.
    • Caller’s first name.
    • Doctor’s last name and company name.
    • City



For the most updated information on our Language Assistance Services, visit the Alliance Cultural and Linguistic Services webpage.

For more information about CBDIO, please visit the Alliance Indigenous Interpreter Services Update – Central California Alliance for Health (thealliance.health) webpage.

For any questions, please contact your Provider Relations Representative at 831-430-5504. If you experience any issues accessing our language assistance services, please call the Health Education Line at 800-700-3874, ext. 5580.