
The Alliance acknowledged for community investments in LHPC report

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The Alliance is proud to be featured in the Local Health Plans of California (LHPC) annual report, which highlights the significant community reinvestments being made by local plans across the state.

The 17 local plans highlighted in the report provide go beyond providing full scope Medi-Cal benefits and coordinated care to Medi-Cal members. They are also reinvesting into their communities to improve access to care, enhance quality of care and address the social drivers of health.

The Alliance is recognized for two key community reinvestment initiatives:

  • Before launching our Community Supports program which can provide members medically tailored meals, the Alliance piloted a two-year program aimed at reducing hospital readmissions. This initiative provided 14 nutritious meals per week for 14 weeks to 494 Medi-Cal members with serious illness and at high-risk for hospital admission. The program showed a 360% return on investment. Read more about our achievement in the LHPC community investments report.
  • The Alliance also invested in the development of 261 affordable housing units in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties through MidPen Housing. 41 units of these units will be designated as permanent supportive housing for medically complex members. “The Alliance has recognized housing as a foundational building block to health and invests in permanent supportive housing and capacity building for supportive services,” Natalie Magana Boyles, Project Manager at MidPen Housing, said in the report.

These initiatives are just a few examples of how the Alliance is working to address social determinants of health and further our vision of creating healthy people, healthy communities.

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