
Provider Newsletter | Issue 17

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Our website has a new look

The Alliance has launched a new and improved online experience! Now, our website features streamlined navigation and a fresh new look. The new easy-to-remember web address is

After listening to feedback from providers, members and the community, we’ve made some upgrades to better support care for Medi-Cal members and to advance our mission to provide accessible, quality health care guided by local innovation.

Note that the Provider Portal has the same login, features and functionality you’ve been using, but it’s now easier to access on our website.

Find and view information more easily

With updates to our website’s content and navigation, www.thealliance.health provides easy access to key information and resources to help you do business more efficiently with the Alliance.

Visit our revamped website to:

Better experience for Alliance members

The site is designed with member experience in mind and gives you tools to improve quality of care for Alliance members.

On the new site, you can easily:

COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy: outreach findings and provider resources

Member outreach

From February through May 2021, the Alliance conducted COVID-19 outreach calls to members 16 and older, identified as high and moderate risk, to assist them with vaccine access, care coordination and transportation services.

Read the article for details on outreach findings, how our staff is encouraging members to get vaccinated, and key resources providers can use to address vaccine hesitancy in our communities.

Live outreach has proved to be a superior method to engage with at-risk members—particularly those with limited internet access, lower computer literacy skills or diminished social circles during the pandemic. Through our live outreach efforts, Alliance staff has been able to effectively address misinformation and provide COVID-19 vaccine information to extended family members.


Of the over 600 (N=608) members reached, 21% (n=127) were “unsure/refused” the vaccine. Across our service areas, the rate of “unsure/refused” vaccine responses was highest in Merced County and among English-speaking members in all three counties.

Among those we connected with who responded “unsure/refused,” about 54% of these members declined sharing their reason or did not state a reason for vaccine hesitancy. Others shared their reasons and the following themes emerged:

  • Fear/mistrust (29%): Members expressed fear of side effects (i.e., they kill people, doesn’t trust the turnaround time of the vaccine production, etc.).
  • Will speak to primary care provider (PCP)/specialist (25%): Members expressed wanting to follow up and speak to their PCP or specialist (the majority of these members did not share they had any health concerns).
  • Complex health conditions (20%): Members had one or multiple medical conditions (i.e., cancer treatments, liver transplant or cell transplant) and wanted to talk to their PCP/specialist prior to getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Family beliefs/cultural considerations (6%): The role of extended family members in decision making. Many members expressed needing to speak to their family before considering getting vaccinated.

Moving forward

To increase vaccine uptake among Alliance members, it is critical that the health care community listens, builds trust and increases collaboration across our service areas. Incentives alone will not be effective; provider, community and health plan outreach efforts are essential.

Alliance staff will be:

  • Leveraging national and local member incentives to promote the COVID-19 vaccine.
  • Monitoring inequities in vaccine distribution.
  • Continuing COVID-19 member outreach and mass communication campaigns, which include targeted populations and key messaging.

Provider role and resources

With many hesitant individuals wanting or planning to speak to their doctor about the COVID-19 vaccine, providers can play a pivotal role in increasing vaccination rates. It is vital that providers are equipped with the proper information and strategies to have these conversations with members.

Below are a few valuable sources for educating staff and patients to address vaccine hesitancy:

Back-to-school immunizations

Alliance outreach efforts

The Alliance is reaching out to encourage members to get their children caught up on immunizations before the start of the school year. Parents are encouraged to schedule a well-child visit with their child’s doctor that includes the required shots for their grade level.

Patients 12 and older can get their COVID-19 vaccine at the same time as their child and adolescent immunizations, an approach that has been supported by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

We are utilizing several communication channels to promote back-to-school immunizations, including:

  • Banners in high-visibility locations in Merced County.
  • Informational posts on our Facebook page.
  • Prominent information throughout the summer on the home page of our website.

Members can also find more information in English, Spanish and Hmong on the Check In, Check Up page of our website.

Member incentives

Providers can remind Alliance members that immunizations are part of our Health and Wellness Rewards Program. Members who complete their required vaccines by their 13th birthday are entered into a monthly raffle for the chance to win a $50 Target gift card.

Resources for providers

The Alliance offers several resources for providers to assist with immunizations. Resources include: