
Creating Healing Spaces and Conversations – ACEs Training

September 20, 2023, noon to 1 p.m.
Live virtual training


Receiving reproductive health care can be a sensitive or even scary experience for patients, particularly those who have experienced adversity and trauma. Participants will review patient cases and hear from a family doctor who is doing this work in a reproductive health clinic setting.

The webinar will address:

  • How the clinical team can apply trauma-informed principles to facilitate safe, collaborative and empowering patient experiences.
  • How to administer sensitive screenings, including Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) screening, in a trauma-informed way.
  • How to respond to screenings and disclosures with compassion and competence, even within the constraints of a short visit.

This webinar is led by Sara Johnson, MD, FACOG, an OB/GYN and adviser to the ACEs Aware initiative. It will also include a discussion with Anastasia Coutinho, MD, MHS, Family Physician and Agency Wellness Champion at La Clínica de la Raza.

Learning objectives

  • Describe a trauma-informed clinical environment and how to use verbal and non-verbal communication to create safe and empowering experiences for patients.
  • Describe a trauma-informed process for sensitive screenings, including ACEs.
  • Demonstrate skills to discuss the results of ACE screening, support resilience and consider patient-centered plans of care.

This training is part of the ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care in Reproductive Health series. Visit the ACEs Aware website to learn more.