
Updates to Alliance Provider Support During COVID-19 Pandemic

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Telehealth Services

The Alliance is allowing flexibility for providers to deliver virtual and telehealth visits as medically indicated for covered services. The codes typically billed for telephone consultations include 98966- 98968, 99441-99443, G2010 and G2012. Not all telehealth codes currently have a Medi-Cal rate. The Alliance is committed to reimbursing for these services and will provide future information regarding payment when available. For now, please submit all applicable encounters following standard claims submission guidelines. We stand with you during this unprecedented time and are here to answer any questions you may have.

Visits to Provider Offices

The Alliance understands that providers are extremely busy as they focus on providing patient care. In order to support our providers in prioritizing member access to care and to follow social distancing guidelines, we have suspended in-person provider visits until further notice. All interactions and provider follow-up discussions will occur by phone, email and webinar. All provider relations efforts will focus on supporting our providers in the most efficient way possible during this time. For any questions, please contact your Provider Relations Representative at (831) 430-5504.

The Alliance Facility Site Review nurses will coordinate with clinics to complete facility site reviews remotely, as possible, and will coordinate any non-urgent visits for the coming weeks. We recommend providing EHR access for the Alliance nurses to complete the medical record reviews remotely. All Physical Accessibility Reviews will be rescheduled to a later time.

Please visit our website at www.ccah-alliance.org for additional information. We will update our website regularly.