
New Feature added to California Immunization Registry (CAIR)

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In an effort to support clinics to ensure patients of all ages are fully vaccinated, the California Immunization Registry (CAIR), has released an exciting new feature: “Reminder/Recall”(http://cairweb.org/docs/CAIR2_RR_UserGuide.pdf).The Reminder/Recall feature provides a list of your clinic’s patients who are due/overdue for immunizations, with the ability to include all vaccines or select individual vaccines for targeted outreach .

The patient contact options include:

  • Reminder letter
  • Reminder card
  • Address labels
  • 4-UP Card (more information available at cairweb.org)
  • Patient list

Prior to using this new feature, CAIR recommends that your clinic(s) use the “manage patient status (http://cairweb.org/docs/CAIR2-Communications/2020Oct22ManagePatientStatus.pdf) to update your patient list and ensure its up to date.

The Alliance recommends that clinics use this new feature to conduct patient outreach for children and adults, and for patients that have not been seen for routine visits or care due to COVID-19, as well as for identifying patients who currently need their flu vaccine.

If you have any questions, or need assistance, please contact your local CAIR Representatives:

Jeanette Chapman

phone: 510-412-1603

email: [email protected]

Jerad Timmons

phone: 510-412-1601

email: [email protected]