
Mariposa and San Benito counties now eligible for Alliance grants

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Health care providers and organizations who provide Medi-Cal benefit services in Mariposa and San Benito counties may now apply for funding opportunities through the Alliance’s Medi-Cal Capacity Grant Program.

The Workforce Recruitment grant application is now open and the deadline to apply is April 16, 2024. Workforce Recruitment grants are available quarterly.

What is a Workforce Recruitment grant?

Providing Workforce Recruitment grants is one way the Alliance strives to improve access to care and alleviate provider shortages.

These grants provide funding for the recruitment and first-year costs of physicians, non-physician medical practitioners and other types of providers who provide Medi-Cal services to members in the Alliance’s five-county service area.

Recruitment grants support allied, behavioral health, primary care, specialty care and certified substance use disorder service providers with grant awards up to $250,000 per recruited provider. The Alliance also offers recruitment grants for community health workers, doulas and medical assistants for up to $65,000 each.

Organizations who are awarded a Workforce Recruitment grant and hire a bilingual provider may also be eligible for a Linguistic Competence Provider Incentive. Learn more about this incentive on our webpage at www.thealliance.health/linguistic-competence-provider-incentive.


To apply for a Workforce Recruitment grant, you will need to provide information about your organization’s recruitment and funding needs. Grant applications are accepted through the Alliance’s online grant portal at www.thealliance.health/grant-portal.

To learn more about how to apply, visit our website at www.thealliance.health/mcgp-apply.


Please contact Alliance Grant Program staff with questions at [email protected]. 

For more information about the Medi-Cal Capacity Grant Program, including upcoming deadlines, please visit www.thealliance.health/grants. More opportunities to learn about additional funding opportunities in Mariposa and San Benito counties will be offered in the coming months.