
Full-Scope Medi-Cal for Young Adults

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Medi-Cal, California’s health care program for low-income individuals and families, will extend full coverage to tens of thousands of additional young adults statewide effective January 1, 2020, another step toward building a California for All.

As of January 1, 2020, a new law in California gives full scope Medi-Cal to young adults under the age of 26 regardless of immigration status. All other Medi-Cal eligibility rules, including income limits, will still apply. This initiative is called the Young Adult Expansion.

The expansion population includes: new enrollees into Medi-Cal; current beneficiaries transitioning from restricted scope to full scope Medi-Cal; and individuals receiving full scope Medi-Cal who would have otherwise aged out of full scope coverage in January.

Beginning January 2020, new applicants will be able to submit an application through the county to determine eligibility for full scope Medi-Cal benefits under the Young Adult Expansion. The methods of applying include online, by mail, by telephone, by fax or in person. If the applicant qualifies for full scope Medi-Cal under the Young Adult Expansion, they will receive the appropriate notification and information on next steps.

For more information go to https://www.dhcs.ca.gov/services/medi-cal/eligibility/Pages/YoungAdultExp.aspx