
No Cost Parenting Class: Building Healthy Life Skills

May 04, 2024 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Bethel Community Church, 445 I Street
Los Banos, CA

ACE Overcomers is offering free, two-session educational classes for parents and guardians of children ages 0-5 who are interested in improving family dynamics.

Over the course of these two classes, you will learn how to improve relationships within your family. The first of the series, this class will focus on building healthy life skills. Some areas that will be covered include learning the keys to self-control, understanding how trauma affects the growing brain, building successful families and more. You will also receive a $25 gift card for attending each class! Snacks, beverages and crafts for kids will be provided.

To register, fill out this Google registration form.