
Housing is health care: a Merced County partnership

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The Alliance works with local providers like Merced County Community Action Agency (MCCAA) to deliver critical Enhanced Care Management and Community Supports (ECM/CS) services to Medi-Cal members. Through the ECM program, the Alliance was able to administer state funding to MCCAA to expand their offices and significantly increase staff, helping the agency bolster their capacity to serve Medi-Cal members.

We had the opportunity to connect with Luke Brown, MCCAA’s director of housing and community services, to discuss the vital relationship between housing and health.

“The impact on someone’s overall quality of life for folks who are unhoused is pretty drastic,” said Brown. “And so when you’re unhoused, it’s really difficult to focus on the things that can really improve your life, such as staying connected to health care services, looking for employment and continuing employment. We find that housing solves a lot of those issues.”

Felicia, an Alliance member, is one of many Merced residents who has benefited from housing assistance through the Alliance and MCCAA partnership. Watch the video below to hear her story.

The Alliance is grateful for community partners like MCCAA, who make the work possible to pursue our vision of Healthy People, Healthy Communities!

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