
Ayúdenos a aumentar las tasas de vacunación infantil en nuestras comunidades

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The Alliance is launching a media campaign to increase member vaccination rates by encouraging families to stay up to date with their children’s vaccinations. We’re spreading the word about the importance of vaccines for children through digital display ads, digital flyers distributed through schools, radio, social media and community events.

The main message is clear: “Children grow up fast. Give them a healthier future with vaccines.” Children who are Alliance members can get their vaccines at no cost to their families.

Vaccine resources

Members can earn Target gift cards for taking actions that support their health, including getting their recommended vaccines on time!

Cómo puedes ayudar 

We invite you to share our messages on social media, talk to your friends and family and share posts from our pagina de Facebook.

Together, we can create healthier communities.


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