
Provider Newsletter | Issue 21

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Upcoming Transition to Medi-Cal Rx and Provider Training Information

Beginning January 1, 2022, Medi-Cal pharmacy benefits will be provided through a new delivery system called Medi-Cal Rx, administered by Magellan Medicaid Administration, Inc. (Magellan). All pharmacy claims will be directly managed by the state.

To inform and prepare for the transition, Magellan and DHCS are offering trainings for providers.

Medi-Cal Rx 101 Webinar

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 1-2 p.m.

Join via the Zoom link (password: 451425).

You can also join by phone:

  • iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16699006833,94989523004# or +12532158782,94989523004#
  • Telephone:
    +1 669 900 6833 (US Toll)
    +1 253 215 8782 (US Toll)
    +1 346 248 7799 (US Toll)
    +1 312 626 6799 (US Toll)
    +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll)
    +1 301 715 8592 (US Toll)
    833 548 0276 (US Toll Free)
    833 548 0282 (US Toll Free)
    877 853 5247 (US Toll Free)
    888 788 0099 (US Toll Free)
    Meeting ID: 949 8952 3004
  • International numbers are also available.

Trainings for Transitioning to Medi-Cal Rx

The California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) has training available for pharmacy providers, prescribers and staff as they transition to Medi-Cal Rx.

A summary of these trainings is provided below. For more information on these trainings, including registration links, please visit the DHCS Medi-Cal Rx education and outreach page. You can also refer to DHCS’ Medi-Cal Rx Provider Training Information.

Questions? Contact the Medi-Cal Rx Education and Outreach Team at

[email protected].

Note: To see how the Alliance is communicating the transition to Medi-Cal Rx to members, visit our

User Administration Console (UAC) Training

All Medi-Cal Rx pharmacy providers, prescribers and their staff will need to complete secured registration to access secured areas of the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal. Access to the Medi-Cal Rx Secured Provider Portal starts with registration via the User Administration Console (UAC) application.UAC Office Hours Sessions (September-December 2021)

UAC office hours sessions will be offered on an as-needed basis. Please contact the Medi-Cal Rx Education and Outreach Team at [email protected] to schedule a session.

Saba Learning Management System (LMS) Training

Saba LMS is the one-stop shop for education and outreach information for Medi-Cal Rx pharmacy providers and prescribers. Saba training session topics include how to view the education and outreach events calendar, how to register to attend an event or take an online course, and how to complete evaluations of training effectiveness.

Saba Training Sessions (September-December 2021)

Saba training sessions will be offered on an as-needed basis. Please contact the Medi-Cal Rx Education and Outreach Team at [email protected] to schedule a session.

Medi-Cal Rx Transition, Resources and Web Portal Training

This training will give pharmacy providers and prescribers an overview of the Medi-Cal Rx transition and the resources that are available on the Medi-Cal Rx Web Portal. Training topics include:

  • Medi-Cal Rx background and high-level changes affecting pharmacy providers and prescribers.
  • Point-of-sale (POS) technical and operational readiness.
  • Web claims submission and overview of the Finance Portal.

Medi-Cal Rx Transition, Resources and Web Portal Training Sessions (September-December 2021)

Please refer to the Saba Training Calendar for specific dates and times. Note: you must be logged into the Medi-Cal Rx Secured Provider Portal to access the training calendar link.

Prior Authorization Training

A prior authorization (PA), previously known as a treatment authorization request (TAR), requires providers to obtain approval before rendering certain services such as prescriptions.

This training is intended for pharmacy providers and prescribers that plan to use the new Medi-Cal Rx Secured Provider Portal to submit PAs.

Training information

Training will be available via job aid 30 days prior to the Medi-Cal Rx go-live date.

Providers and prescribers that need to take this training will first need to be successfully registered for UAC and have been granted access to both the Saba and PA applications.

Web Claims Submission Training

This training will give providers an overview of the new Medi-Cal Rx Web Claims Submission system. Providers currently using a POS system to process prescription claims can still continue to submit web claims via this channel.

Training Information

Training will be available via job aid and recorded webinars 30 days prior to the Medi-Cal Rx go-live date.

When available, recorded webinar trainings will be available via Saba. Pharmacy providers, prescribers and their staff that need to take this training will first need to make sure they have successfully registered for UAC and have been granted access to both the Saba and Medi-Cal Rx Web Claims Submission applications.

New to the Provider Portal: Procedure Code Lookup Tool

We’re excited to announce the launch of a new tool in the Alliance Provider Portal: the Procedure Code Lookup Tool!

This new tool makes it easy to find out whether a procedure requires prior authorization (PA). Search by plan, procedure code and date of service to access the information you need. If you only know part of the code description, you can also use that to look up the PA information.

The tool also provides information on the procedure code age, service, frequency and diagnosis code limits/requirements upon claim submission. This information is displayed as billable units based on the procedure code description. There is a printer-friendly view that allows for easy printing of your search results.

You can use this tool today by logging in to the Provider Portal. There is a link to the tool under the “Auths and Referrals” section of the left-hand navigation.

If you have questions, please contact Provider Services at 831-430-5504.

New Guidelines for Opioids and Prescriber Practices

Best Practices for Providers Who Inherit Patients on Opioids

With the closure of 29 California pain management centers in May 2021, many primary care providers may be inheriting patients who are dependent on opioids. It is critical that providers be prepared to support patients who are on opioid therapies and those who may be experiencing potentially dangerous disruptions in their care.

On behalf of the Statewide Overdose Safety (SOS) Workgroup and partners, the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) released an action notice for providers who inherit patients on opioids. This action notice is signed by CDPH, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), and the Medical Board of California (MBC).

Best practices include:

  • Continue opioid therapy for patients in transition.
  • Develop a patient-centered, individualized care plan.
  • Use caution when tapering opioid therapy.
  • Document patient care decisions.
  • Prescribe buprenorphine when appropriate.

For additional details, support and resources, read the full action notice.

SafeRx Prescriber Practice Guidelines

SafeRx of Santa Cruz County recently updated their SafeRx Prescriber Practice Guidelines, incorporating recent data, research and updated, evidence-based best practices.

Major areas of revision include:

  • An expanded medication-assisted treatment section, including more information on buprenorphine/suboxone and microdosing.
  • Information on treatment of stimulant use disorders.
  • ED bridge and hospital resources.
  • Expanded information on best practices for benzodiazepines.
  • Narcan co-prescribing and distribution.

If you have any questions about the updated guidelines, please contact the Health Improvement Partnership’s SafeRx team ([email protected]).