
Celebrate Black History month, protect Black mothers


The Alliance believes everyone deserves a fair chance at being healthy. February is Black History Month and the Alliance wants to focus on how to improve Black maternal health. Here’s how you can support pregnant people in your life!

Why it’s important

According to the CDC, Black women are more likely to die from pregnancy-related issues than white women.

This isn’t because their bodies are different. It’s because of things like getting worse health care, health problems, racism and unfair treatment. These things make it hard for Black mothers to get the care and help they need to be healthy.

When you get care early, notice warning signs and have good support, you will have a better chance of being healthy during pregnancy.

What you can do

Pregnant people and their families can:

  • Talk to their doctor if something doesn’t feel right.
  • Know and look out for urgent warning signs, such as:
    • Strong headache.
    • Swelling of hands or face or trouble breathing.
    • Heavy bleeding or discharge.
    • Feeling extremely tired.
  • Share pregnancy history during each doctor’s visit for up to a year after delivery.
  • Connect with health care and support systems before, during and after pregnancy.

We’re here to help!

If you’re pregnant or just had a baby, the Alliance is here to help. Learn about our help for new mothers and caregivers.

Doula services

Did you know that if you are pregnant or had a baby within the last year, you can get help from a doula, at no cost?

A doula is a person who helps you before, during and after your baby is born. Doulas help you feel comfortable and have special training. They are not nurses or doctors, but they work with them. Some doulas help you during a miscarriage, stillbirth or abortion.

Learn more about the doula benefit on our website.

Care team  

If you are pregnant or have recently given birth (within the last 12 months), you can get help from our Enhanced Care Management (ECM) program! This program will help you during your pregnancy and the 12 months afterward.

When you join ECM, you will get a care team. You will have a lead care manager who will work with doctors, mental health providers, specialists, pharmacists and others to get you the care you need. Your lead care manager will connect you with community services. To learn more about this program, visit our website.

Prenatal and postpartum help

The Alliance’s Healthy Moms and Healthy Babies (HMHB) program helps pregnant women get early care and support during and after pregnancy. HMHB also offers education for a healthy pregnancy.

Members in the HMHB program get calls from Alliance health educators who will talk about things like pregnancy care, breastfeeding and parenting. They also give referrals to local resources, such as Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and free or low-cost community services.

Earn rewards

If you see your doctor within the first 13 weeks of pregnancy or within 6 weeks of joining the Alliance, you could win a $50 Target gift card in a raffle.

If you see your doctor 1 to 12 weeks after having a baby, you will get a $25 Target gift card.

To learn more, visit our Health Rewards Program page.

About the contributor:

Aiyana Moya

Aiyana Moya works as a Digital Communications Content Specialist for the Communications Department at Central California Alliance for Health (the Alliance). She works with health care experts to write informative, engaging content for the communities the Alliance serves. She has worked in the communications and journalism industries for over 6 years. Aiyana holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with a minor in Creative Writing.

Written in collaboration with subject matter expert: Kristynn Sullivan, Dr. Dianna Myers, Tammy Hoeffel