
COVID-19 Provider Newsletter | Issue 14

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Medi-Cal Rx Outreach Calls

You may be getting a phone call from a DHCS Pharmacy Service Representative (PSR) about the new Medi-Cal Rx web portal. PSRs are reaching out to assist providers.

PSRs are reaching out to guide prescribers and help them:

  • Begin registration for the secured provider portal.
  • Understand the Medi-Cal Rx training and resources available for prescribers.

For more information, view the DHCS information sheet about the Pharmacy Service Representative (PSR) Phone Campaign.

Medi-Cal Rx Training

DHCS is providing training for pharmacy providers, prescribers and staff to help you prepare for the transition to Medi-Cal Rx.

DHCS will be offering five online trainings, including:

  • How to register and set up access in your Medi-Cal Rx web portal.
  • How to use the Medi-Cal Rx learning management system.
  • An overview of the Medi-Cal Rx transition, and how to use resources in the Medi-Cal Rx web portal.
  • How to use the Medi-Cal Rx secured portal to submit prior authorizations.
  • How to use the new Medi-Cal Rx Web Claims Submission system.

See the following sections for a summary of each training. For more information, view the DHCS guide for Medi-Cal Rx training.

Available Now

Register and set up access in your Medi-Cal Rx web portal

To access secure areas of the Medi-Cal Rx web portal, you must set up your User Administration Console (UAC).

Training: A self-paced UAC Quick Start Guide and four video tutorials. Optional: if you have questions, you can attend an office hours session to connect with a DHCS Pharmacy Service Representative. Email the Medi-Cal Rx Education and Outreach Team at [email protected] to schedule an office hours session.

Using the Medi-Cal Rx learning management system

Saba℠ is the learning management system (LMS) for Medi-Cal Rx. You can use Saba to view a calendar of upcoming outreach and education events, and to register for events and online courses.

Note: to access Saba, you must first complete the UAC registration (see training above).

Training: A step-by-step job aid will walk you through how to set up and use Saba.

Coming Soon

Medi-Cal Rx transition, resources and web portal training

Learn about:

  • How Medi-Cal Rx changes will impact pharmacy providers and prescribers.
  • Submitting web claims and using the finance portal.
  • Gaining point-of-sale (POS) technical and operational readiness.

Training: Job aids and live webinars coming April 2021. Note: to register for a webinar, you must first set up access to Saba (see training above).

Prior authorization

Learn how to submit prior authorizations for approval through the Medi-Cal Rx secured portal.

Training: Job aids and live webinars. Materials will become available 30 days before the go-live date for Medi-Cal Rx.

Note: You will need access to the UAC and Saba to take these trainings.

Web Claims Submission

Learn how to use the Medi-Cal Rx Web Claims Submission system.

Training: Job aids and live webinars. Materials will become available 30 days before the go-live date for Medi-Cal Rx.

More information on Medi-Cal Rx trainings

Medi-Cal Rx Survey

To understand how to best support your transition to Medi-Cal Rx, DHCS is asking pharmacy providers and prescribers to take the Medi-Cal Rx Pharmacy Provider and Prescriber Readiness Survey. The information you share in the survey is confidential, and results will be used to tailor provider trainings.

Toolkit for primary care case management

Central California Alliance for Health (the Alliance) and EM Consulting collaborated to create a guide for implementing, enhancing, or sustaining a case management line of service at primary health care organizations.

The Toolkit for Case Management Implementation within a Primary Health Care Setting is for a broad audience, such as:

  • Executive leadership at community health centers.
  • County primary care and public health agencies.
  • Program managers.
  • Care coordination direct service teams.

The manual includes broad recommendations, specific interventions and workflows, and general strategies to achieve sustainability.

The toolkit was developed in part on the experience of primary care providers in the Alliance’s, Intensive Case Management (ICM) Program, a three-year pilot from 2018-2020. EM Consulting provided clinical support to case managers working in the ICM Program and technical assistance on the sustainability of case management at clinical sites.

Access the toolkit on our Care Management Services page.

New member materials available

We’ve added new resources to our member website that providers can download and keep in their offices to share with members.

  • Nurse Advice Line (NAL) flyer, informing members that they can get answers to their health care questions 24/7, at no cost. The flyer is available in EnglishSpanish and Hmong.
  • Healthier Living Program flyer, which shares how adult members with chronic conditions can learn how to be healthier and feel better by participating in our six-week, telephonic workshop. The flyer is available in English, Spanish and Hmong.