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Central California Alliance for Health, Dignity Health thiab MCOE tshaj tawm kev sib koom tes los txhawb kev kuaj menyuam zoo

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Central California Alliance for Health, ua ke nrog lub Merced County Office of Education (MCOE) thiab Dignity Health, yuav tuav lub rooj sib tham xov xwm los tshaj tawm cov phiaj xwm Well-Child Checkup, uas yuav txhawb nqa kev kuaj mob niaj hnub rau cov menyuam yaus hauv Merced County.

Cov ntsiab lus ntawm qhov xwm txheej: 

Hnub tim: Thursday, Plaub Hlis 4
Sijhawm: 9 am
Qhov chaw: MCOE Downtown Center – 1715 Canal Street, Merced

Nyeem ntxiv

Xav paub ntau ntxiv txog kev kuaj xyuas menyuam yaus tuaj yeem nrhiav tau ntawm Alliance nplooj ntawv tshuaj xyuas.

Linda Gorman yog Tus Thawj Coj Kev Sib Txuas Lus ntawm Central California Alliance for Health (the Alliance). Nws saib xyuas Alliance cov phiaj xwm kev sib txuas lus thoob plaws txhua txoj hauv kev thiab cov neeg tuaj saib, txheeb xyuas cov sijhawm los txhawb kev paub txog Alliance thiab cov ncauj lus tseem ceeb ntawm kev noj qab haus huv. Linda tau nyob nrog Alliance txij li xyoo 2019 thiab muaj ntau tshaj 20 xyoo ntawm kev lag luam thiab kev sib txuas lus hauv kev tsis muaj txiaj ntsig, kev tuav pov hwm, thiab kev saib xyuas kev noj qab haus huv. Nws tau kawm tiav Master of Arts hauv Kev Sib Txuas Lus thiab Kev Coj Ua.