Diabetic Poor Control >9% Tip Sheet
Descrição da medida:
The percentage of members 18–75 years of age with diabetes (type 1 and type 2) whose most recent glycemic assessment (hemoglobin A1c [HbA1c] or glucose management indicator [GMI]) was >9% in the measurement year.
O objetivo da medida é que os membros sejam não conformes, tendo uma HbA1c ou GMI menor que 9% e estejam em bom controle (a lower rate indicates better performance).
Members with no lab or no lab value submitted, a claim without an HbA1c value, or an HbA1c value >9% are considered compliant for this measure.
Observação: Laboratory claim exclusions to identify frailty, advanced illness, and diabetes are only applicable to CBI 2025, as well as minor changes to the frailty and advanced illness criteria. Changes to the pharmacy data method to identify eligible members are only applicable to CBI 2025.